Please take the time to read the inspiring words on the Guest Book page. The comments grow by the hour. You will see that YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE FED UP WITH WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY. For too long we have been content to grumble our grievances over the dinner table. On March 21, we will make ourselves heard!
The word is spreading. We have received hundreds of emails from every type of American from all over the country. We have groups that are planning to bus members to the event from other counties, people have emailed from Tampa, Vero Beach, Jacksonville and even Georgia to say they plan to drive to Orlando to attend. We are just overwhelmed and deeply inspired by the response and the the resounding message is clear: "We need to stop this now!"
So, rally your friends, family, neighbors and strangers on the street. Let us be a voice that echos all the way to Washington on March 21st!