07/14/09 Defeat the Universal Healthcare Bill!
This bill will be decided by the blue dog moderate Democrats. To contact the blue dogs click here. Let these representatives know that America does NOT what the Universal Healthcare Bill proposed by the Democrats in power. Tell them to vote "NO!" If you are not in the district of the particular representative, you might want to look up a zip code/city in their district. They are much more responsive to registered voters in their district and often ask for zip code or city to see if you are any threat to their re-election. Also, it is great to tell them what you are against, but even better to tell them what you are for. Sen. Demint offers some great alternatives to the Democratic bill on his site. For other solutions, visit our "Get Informed Link" below.
Contact your own representatives and let them know you expect them to vote "NO" against this bill or not only will you not vote for them in 2010, but you ACTIVELY campaign AGAINST them. Personal visits to your representative's office are the most effective means of communication, then phone calls, faxes and emails. To have the greatest impact, hand deliver a written explanation of your views. Click here for Representative Contact Information
Make your voice heard! Educate those around you. Print up some of the myths and Truths of the proposed Healthcare Bill and inform yourself about the alternatives. Below are some links that you can print and hand out.
Also, let people see that they are not alone. Post in you car window "Government Health Care is NO Solution!" Offer a link to www.orlandoteaparty.com so they can learn more.
Let's show them how large the Silent Majority is, MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
Also, let people see that they are not alone. Post in you car window "Government Health Care is NO Solution!" Offer a link to www.orlandoteaparty.com so they can learn more.
Let's show them how large the Silent Majority is, MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
Get Informed! Know what you are fighting! Click here for the text of the bill, helpful articles and alternatives to the Democratic Healthcare Plan.
05/20/09 Take ACTION on AgJOBS Amnesty Bill
Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Howard Berman (both D-CA) have reintroduced the AgJOBS amnesty bill. To read the bill, visit: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?tab=summary&bill=h110-371 (click "Full Text") on right of page to view in full.
Not only will this bill provide amnesty to non-documented alien workers, but also to their families. With 13 million AMERICANS out of work and a struggling economy, is this the best course for America? It is up to us to demand that our "leaders" put America first! Please take a few moments to contact your members of Congress today. You CAN make a difference!
Both Mel Martinez and Bill Nelson also voted for this bill in 2005. Contact them today and let them know that they do not speak for you and we will seek leaders who reflect our values in future elections. Click here to see how your elected officials voted.
Contact info:
http://www.house.gov then enter your zip code at the top left of page.
You can find your senators' contact information by clicking here.
Not only will this bill provide amnesty to non-documented alien workers, but also to their families. With 13 million AMERICANS out of work and a struggling economy, is this the best course for America? It is up to us to demand that our "leaders" put America first! Please take a few moments to contact your members of Congress today. You CAN make a difference!
Both Mel Martinez and Bill Nelson also voted for this bill in 2005. Contact them today and let them know that they do not speak for you and we will seek leaders who reflect our values in future elections. Click here to see how your elected officials voted.
Contact info:
http://www.house.gov then enter your zip code at the top left of page.
You can find your senators' contact information by clicking here.
Please read this article http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124112017018574119.html?mod=googlenews_wsj to see what went on at a Senate Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee meeting yesterday.
Please read this article http://www.numbersusa.com/content/nusablog/beckr/may-1-2009/schumer-cant-see-13-million-jobless-americans-in-his-political-rush-to-pas to see Numbers USA's input on the meeting.
Now start making calls to your Senators to let them know we need to take care of AMERICANS first! We want our nation's laws enforced and our borders protected! With over 13 million American citizens out of work, a broken educational system and overburdened health care system, we do not need to add millions of more people to the problems! Contact info can be found for all senators by clicking here!
We are researching legislation coming up in the congress, for now there are a few issues that we know will be coming up in legislature:
Government run health care
Legislature seeking to curb our access to talk radio
Legislature seeking control of the internet
Legislature regarding illegal immigration
We can start by calling our representatives and senators and asking them their position on these topics and letting them know ours. We will add information on actual bills in the congress shortly.
You can find your congressman or congresswoman by clicking on:
http://www.house.gov and entering your zip code at the top left of page.
You can find your senators' contact information by clicking here.
Please read this article http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124112017018574119.html?mod=googlenews_wsj to see what went on at a Senate Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee meeting yesterday.
Please read this article http://www.numbersusa.com/content/nusablog/beckr/may-1-2009/schumer-cant-see-13-million-jobless-americans-in-his-political-rush-to-pas to see Numbers USA's input on the meeting.
Now start making calls to your Senators to let them know we need to take care of AMERICANS first! We want our nation's laws enforced and our borders protected! With over 13 million American citizens out of work, a broken educational system and overburdened health care system, we do not need to add millions of more people to the problems! Contact info can be found for all senators by clicking here!
We are researching legislation coming up in the congress, for now there are a few issues that we know will be coming up in legislature:
Government run health care
Legislature seeking to curb our access to talk radio
Legislature seeking control of the internet
Legislature regarding illegal immigration
We can start by calling our representatives and senators and asking them their position on these topics and letting them know ours. We will add information on actual bills in the congress shortly.
You can find your congressman or congresswoman by clicking on:
http://www.house.gov and entering your zip code at the top left of page.
You can find your senators' contact information by clicking here.