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Shirts created by H2O Designs of Auburndale, FL
Besides staying in touch with our newly elected representatives and senators and voicing our opinions and desires firmly and clearly, we must continue to educate ourselves as our Constitution and liberties have been under attack in ways we could never have imagined. They have not only been dismantling our liberties through the House and Senate, but have taken their aggressive agenda to our schools, cities and states.
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson warned against the creation of a central bank system in this country? He stated "If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing power of money should be taken from the banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs." (Quoted from The 5,000 Year Leap, great book, please take the time to read) This central bank that Jefferson warned about certainly sounds like the Federal Reserve. Please go to this link to learn more about the Federal Reserve, the dangers of inflation and to support an audit of the Fed.
Have you ever heard of ICLEI? Do you know about Agenda 21? Do you know the havoc an organization named DERM is bringing upon some citizens in Dade County? Please go to this link to learn more about how the United Nations has been imposing their will upon our cities and states and how citizens here in Florida are losing their property under the guise of environmentalism.
This year Congress and the Senate passed one of the most despised and controlling pieces of legislation ever enacted in the country. Reforming, replacing or repealing The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, aka Obamacare, is one of the most important things our new Congress must do. The surprises keep coming as more of what is actually in the legislation is understood. To stay abreast of the latest regarding what is in the bill and what effects these new laws will have upon each and every one of us (except of course the groups that the White House is writing waivers for), please go to this link.
Uniting for America
"The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us" - Thomas Jefferson
We now need YOU to stand with us on Thursday, July 2nd as we converge on our senator's and representatives offices to say NO to Government controlled health care, NO to more taxes, NO to any more infringement upon our personal liberty! We are asking all of you to come by your nearest office and drop off letters of concern to our senators and representatives. We will have information to hand out and petitions to sign. Bring hand held signs to make your thoughts known to all! When 1 person takes time out of their busy day to visit an office, the senator/representative sees it as 100 people with the same concern. We have a chance to make these politicians stop and think on Thursday. We can't sit quietly and hope these people make the right decisions, we know in today's world, votes can be bought and sold with no regard for what is best for the future of the United States of America or her people. We can no longer be the silent majority! Our time is now, our freedom and future generations' liberty depends on us rising up and stopping the dismantling of our great nation.
More information on July 2nd rallies can be found below.
By the way Alan Grayson and Suzanne Kosmas both voted in favor of Cap and Trade last Friday. Let us make sure they know we will not forget their votes and that we will do whatever we can to make sure they are FIRED in 2010.
On March 21st, 2009, over 5000 patriots from across Florida joined together as one voice against wasteful Washington spending. On that day, our voices rang all the way to Washington and we came one step closer to re-claiming a government For the People, By the People.
Unfortunately, the recent months have proved this battle to be far from over. The impending threat of Cap and Tax and government take-over of our healthcare system set the stakes higher than ever before. The current administration threatens to change the very fabric of this great nation and if we do not stand up and reclaim our country, they will succeed.
On August 22, we ask you to join us to Unite for America once again at the Lake Eola Amphitheater in downtown Orlando. Florida has proven to be a leader in the conservative movement in the past months. Our state has staged countless Tea Parties from coast to coast, we have held protests at congressional offices across the state and have even organized successful counter-protests against the left's thanks to dedicated organizers across Florida.
Please take this opportunity to be a part of the movement to restore Coservative Values. Volunteer to promote the event, allow your business to sponsor a booth at the event or donate to help us organize the event using the link above. Thank you, Florida for your hard work and dedication, let's take back our country!
Operation Squirrel
08/01/09 Orlando Tea Party
Details to be announced
While planning for the next Tea Party, Floridians Unite will work hard to shake up Florida and we hope that others from our United States will join in shaking up their hometown representatives. On our ACTIONS page we list pending legislation in the Florida Congress and the Congress of the United States and we hope that you will make mass phone calls and emails with us in support or opposition to the bills. Let our politicians know what WE will accept and what WE want! We as a united force shut down the Senate switchboard back in 2007 with our opposition to the Amnesty Bill and the bill failed! We can attempt this with all legislation if our numbers are great enough. If we can keep the grassroots movement going by Uniting For America, we can become a force to be reckoned with.
Please help to keep the momentum going by loudly making your voice heard today! Make some phone calls and send emails to your representatives! Let them know that we are not simply sitting back and waiting for the next Tea Party but we are watching and keeping track of their vote! Let's build our numbers so we can no longer be ignored and share information with our friends and families. When it comes time for the next round of Tea Parties and a march on Washington D.C., there will be no doubt that we are not going away and we will not be complacent ever again.
A real concern we have is that we are being labeled as protesters only against obscene spending and taxation, but the fact of the matter is, our Constitutional rights are at stake. While we were busy planning the Tea Parties, a new act was voted on and signed into law on April 21st, the GIVE Act. You can find information on this act here. It passed with broad bipartisan support, over $6 billion added to our budget over the next five years. The administration and congress are now looking to nationalize our banks, introduce controls on the internet, introduce legislation that will inhibit the voices on talk radio, and working out a way to legalize the millions of illegal aliens in our country today. Our colleges are announcing that they are going to have to cut back, lower the amount of students enrolled in their classes, yet some of our politicians want to pass the Dream Act, further overburdening our educational institutions and effecting our children. ENOUGH! OUR representatives are elected to SERVE and PROTECT the citizens of the United States of America. They are put there for OUR best interests, not to spend their time in office plotting on how to keep their power and weaken our freedom to oppose their legislation! If this administration thinks that we are not aware of the fact they are playing "bait and switch" with us, keeping our attention over here on one thing while sneaking through legislation on the other side, they are sadly mistaken! Between the Tea Parties and marches, we must be vigilant and watch over the legislation Congress tries to pass and stand firmly together in opposition to anything that weakens our personal liberties or our country's future.
Lots Of News To Share.
First off, a huge congratulation is in order to all the organizers and participants of the Tea Parties! We are so proud of our fellow Americans, the backbone of this country, who took time out of their busy schedules to participate in the beginning steps of taking our country back! We learned that we are not alone and when we stand together, our voices can be heard! As organizers of the Orlando Tea Party of March 21st and participants in the Orlando Tax Day Tea Party (great job Jason and crew!), we saw first hand the passion and yes, anger, the working class citizens are feeling. The Tea Parties are evidence that the people have had enough! Our hearts and our guts are telling us to stand up for the country we love now, or lose forever our freedoms and the principles that have made the United States of America the greatest nation on earth. We have been complacent and allowed both democrats and republicans to obtain too much power and forget who the true leaders are in this country, US!
We must continue standing together and grow our numbers to try and stop the self serving politicians and their special interest groups who don't want what is best for the USA, but want everlasting power and money. These power grabbing grand standers have practiced the art of divide and conquer with the American people by fracturing the population into groups based on our skin color, age, sex, religion and heritage. Enough is enough. To beat these people, we need to play by their rules. We need to create our own "special interest group" that represents the majority in our nation. Our special interest is the preservation of the very fabric of which this country was built, the Constitution and our freedom. We can all join together despite our differences to hold onto what has made our country the most powerful, giving and prosperous country in the world!