Healthcare Freedom!
Thanks so much to everyone who took time out of their busy day to join us at Senator Nelson's office to voice our opinion about Obama's Healthcare Reform. We had about 75 really great people come out to say "No" to government run healthcare. Forty to Fifty of those people probably made it into the office to speak to Nelson's people and leave a signed handout saying we were against healtcare mandates and governnment run health care. We also got about 75 signatures on our petitions against the healthcare plan AND cap and trade and Lisa and I hope to hand deliver them next week to Nelson. We were also encouraged by the overwhelming number of honks of support and "thumbs up" by passers by. Thank you Central Florida for stepping up and making your voices heard, let's keep the pressure on! We have to act fact and often the next couple of months to defeat these pieces of legislation but we can do it if we continue to join as one voice!
Here are a few photos from the rally, I apologize in advance for the terrible quaility, hopefully we will get some better photos submitted soon!
Here are a few photos from the rally, I apologize in advance for the terrible quaility, hopefully we will get some better photos submitted soon!
Lisa and Shelly with Nelson's office in the background. If you look closely, the guys in the background are our ominous ACORN counter-protesters (four in total.)
Two of our ACORN friends. What's funny is THIS guy's sign read "I'm not with stupid." Does anyone else see the irony?
Don't tread on us!
Exiting Nelson's office