Frequently Asked Questions
Can you tell me more about your organization?
The coordinators of the Orlando Tea Party are lead by Lisa Feroli, an ordinary citizen who feels that our country is on the wrong path and that the principles of our Founding Fathers- Liberty, Smaller Government and Personal Responsibility have been lost. We are not affiliated with any organization. It is our goal to create an event to unify, energize and motivate the silent majority who feel it is time to reclaim our government, stop careless Washington spending and re-instill the principles of our founding fathers.
Are you planning another event?
We are considering another event, but right now we are recuperating from a loooong month of planning. We will give you a heads up soon as to when we were are planning our next rally. It will not be April 15.
Where can I find information about an April 15th Tax Day Tea Party?
There will be Tea Parties throughout Florida and throughout the nation on April 15th, for information check out these sites:
What can I do to help?
If we are to do another rally, we need volunteers. When we say that we mean, we need people who are truly interested in working on this project. We stress the word "working." Organizing these events requires a LOT of work and we must have people that are dependable and willing to put in the effort. Please only contact us if you are able to commit some of your free time to helping with internet research, administrative help, stuff that may not be glorious and is often tedious. We aren't trying to scare anyone away, this is truly, truly, TRULY rewarding. But we need people who will follow through or else we will just find ourselves going in circles.
Specific Talents we need:
Web site guru- We need our site transferred and reworked ASAP!
Where can I get a t-shirt?
How can I plan an event like this in my area?
There is nothing special about the organizers of this event, we are just ordinary citizens who want to make a difference and promote change. You can do this too! We do want to help others who want to plan an event in their area and do intend to post what we have learned; unfortunately, we likely won't have time to do so until after the event. You're welcome to email with specific questions and we will certainly try to get back to you. In the meantime, check out this link for some tips "How to Organize your Own Tea Party Protest."
The organizers would like to thank everyone who has expressed their support and offered help! We can't wait to see you all on March 21st!
"To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last--but eat you he will." - Ronald Reagan