The Orlando Tea Party March, 21st was a HUGE success! Thank you Florida!
Park officials and Orlando police estimate between 5,000 - 6,000 patriots showed up for this peaceful and patriotic event! It was truly inspiring to see people of all walks of life standing shoulder to shoulder to express a unified voice as we fight to preserve our constitution, stop the out of control government spending and preserve the priciples that have made America the greatest country in the world. Thank you Florida, for standing up for the USA!
Bud Hedinger
Lloyd Marcus
Who: Featured speakers were:
Tom Gaitens, Florida coordinator , FreedomWorks
Kristinn Taylor, DC Lead, Free Republic
Nathan Pick, Americans for Tax Reform
Harry Mihet, Senior Litigation Counsel, Liberty Counsel
Jon H. Gutmacher Esq, local attorney and second amendment expert
Andrea Shea King internet radio talk show host
The McPhersons, beautifully performed our National Anthem and the Battle Hymn Republic
But the work does not end here, we must remain vigilant and continue to make our voices heard. If you have not done so already, please personalize, print and send your Orlando Tea Party mailer to Washington today! You can find the template here. Let Washington know that we will no longer be complacent. We will vote in every upcoming election to weed out the officials that do not uphold the basic principles of the Constitution and we will not tolerate further government funded bailouts and wasteful spending.
You can find the contact information of all our local and state officials Here. Contact them often! Make a vow to email, call or send a letter to someone every week to let them know we are watching and we demand change from our elected officials. It's time for us to Take Back our Government!
The Orlando Tea Party would like to thank everyone who donated time, money and services and also everyone who made it a priority to attend and make our voices heard. YOU made this wonderful event happen!
Click here for more Tea Party Photos and Video!
To see the text of the Declaration, click here!
"80 years ago, Teddy Roosevelt wrote these instructive words in his first message to the Congress: 'The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once kindled, it burns like a consuming flame.' Well, perhaps that kind of wrath will be deserved if our answer to these serious problems is to repeat the mistakes of the past."
- Ronald Reagan
Floridians Unite, Inc.
P.O. Box 950674, Lake Mary, FL 32795
[email protected]